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2023-06-12 21:58:34 来源:互联网


1、A poor conductor of electricity is also called as insulator. It has a very high resistance in the range of mega ohms. Hence, has a poor conductivity. It obstructs the flow of electrons thereby reducing the flow of electrons per second. It is in built physical property of the material .Lead, Bismuth, Asbestos are some examples of the poor conductor.A good conductor has a high electrical or heat conductivity, and is generally a substance rich in loosely-held free electrons, such as a metal. Copper and aluminium are good conductors. Malleability is a physical property of matter, usually metals. This property usually applies to the family groups 1 to 12 on the Modern Periodic Table of Elements. It is the ability of a solid to bend or be hammered into other shapes without breaking. Examples of malleable metals are gold, iron,copper (to a degree) and lead.。


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