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全球视点!ATS——俄克拉荷马州 - 收费公路通行费

2023-06-12 23:04:50 来源:哔哩哔哩


俄克拉荷马州 - 收费公路通行费






Oklahoma - Turnpike Tolls

Roads that charge tolls have historically been found in Oklahoma since 1916, which is the earliest known toll road recorded in the state. Today, turnpike tolls are an important source of highway funding in many states in the US, benefiting the local economy, road maintenance and cleanliness. 

In our upcoming Oklahoma DLC for American Truck Simulator, we are sure you will end up passing through at least one of several turnpikes on your journey. Each one a little unique in their own way, with their own name and design. These toll gates are smartly designed and situated in the "middle" of each turnpike road, in a way that the driver can't leave the road without passing by it. 

Similar to the payment system in California, there is a one-time fee for the whole section of road you travel on. You may already be familiar with this in American Truck Simulator around California. 

Today, a majority of these tolls use a more modern cashless tolling system, which uses cameras that read license plates and e-tag devices in vehicles. However, our map team still wanted to bring a mix of the old and new together, as Oklahoma is currently in the process of converting to cashless. This means you'll still visually see some of the older cash booths and other designs in place, but with the benefit of using the cashless system and not needing to bring your vehicle to a complete stop. 

So whether you love them or hate them, Turnpike tolls are just one of many pieces of highway and interstate infrastructure you'll find across Oklahoma and beyond. We look forward to showcasing more of what this DLC will feature in the near future. Until then, keep on Truckin'! 

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